Bend Tree Code Update

Goal GOAL: Preserve existing urban trees
and natural green space

Together we can create a greener future for Bend

Bend Tree Code

SBGS has lent its voice against the widespread clear-cutting of trees in Bend and has been closely following the work of the Tree Regulation Update Advisory Committee (TRUAC) – attending committee meetings and making public comments. 

Bend City Council established TRUAC in 2023 to develop recommendations on code updates aiming at balancing development with preserving more of the city’s large trees.

TRUAC submitted its recommendations to the City at the end of 2023. City staff is currently preparing specific code language. As soon as the City issues a draft of the amended code, SBGS will issue its official response and testify at upcoming public hearings before Bend Planning Commission and City Council in the coming months.

Highlights of TRUAC’s Recommendations

Developers would be required to preserve 20% of priority trees, which are defined as 20 inches in diameter or larger

Another option for developers is to preserve 25% of what is called the total “diameter at breast height” on a site. Diameter at breast height is the measurement of a tree’s diameter measured at 4 ½ feet off the ground. For this option, that means the diameters of all trees that have a 6-inch diameter or larger on a development site would be added together, and 25% of that total would need to be preserved.

If saving trees is not possible on a certain site, developers would also have the option to either replace a certain number of trees for every tree that was removed from the site. Bigger trees that were removed would require more trees to be planted in its place.

If none of these options can be achieved, a developer may pay a “fee-in-lieu,” meaning the developer must pay a certain amount of money to mitigate for a certain number of trees. The fund would help with purchasing, planting and maintaining trees throughout the city. Details on the fee amounts have not been announced yet.

In general, developers would be required to preserve at least 5% of the total diameter at breast height of trees 6 inches or greater on a site. Lots that are an acre or less would be exempted from this requirement. However, the developer or property owner would still need to replant trees or pay the fee in lieu.

Tree Preservation Flow Chart

Tree Preservation Flow Chart

Graphic credit:

Get Involved!

You can join SBGS in making public comments during the Planning Commission and City Council hearings. The Planning Commission hearing is tentatively scheduled for June 24, 2024.

In addition, you can submit public comments in advance to:

Please also include Pauline Hardie ( in the CC line of those emails.

Learn more about the tree regulation updates on the City of Bend's website.

Bend Tree Code News

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Help save Bend’s existing trees and green spaces!