DRAFT Restrictive Covenant


The Central Oregon Irrigation District (COID ) submitted a series of five Type II Property Line Adjustment (PLA) applications to the City in an effort to reconfigure its property in the Deschutes South Canyon to be able to sell a large portion to a developer. The public comment period was open until October 27, 2022. As you may be aware, the City approved the applications the day after the comment period closed. This takes the process one step closer to completion of the sale. 

It was disappointing and frustrating to learn that approval was essentially guaranteed, no matter how many public comments were submitted (338!) with valid arguments against this decision. However, Planning acknowledges in its decision that the PLAs do not conform with Bend Development Code 3.1.200.C.4 and in order to approve the PLAs the City is requiring that COID enter into a Restrictive Covenant that affords some protections to the land. The good news is Save Bend Green Space (SBGS) believes the Covenant will delay the sale of the land a little longer and we are seeking legal counsel on the legality and strength of the Covenant.

A copy of the DRAFT RESTRICTIVE COVENANT is available.